DataSETUP at ICME15 in Sydney, Australia
In July, members of our team attended the 15th International Congress on Mathematical Education in Sydney, Australia (https://icme15.org). During the seven day long congress, more than 2000 maths educators from around the globe gathered to present and exchange ideas, discuss emerging trends in math education and build broader networks to extend our knowledge of how to teach and learn mathematics.
For the team of DataSETUP, several workshops and topic study groups on data science as well as related disciplines such as statistics, computational thinking and STEM were of special interest. Further topic study groups such as these on teacher education and the role of technology offered interesting insights into important features of the DataSETUP project.
In these different sessions, we presented first ideas on our conceptualization of data science and its role in pre-service teacher education at the university level and talked to experts of the field in order to enhance our knowledge and further develop our ideas. We found members of a similar project that focuses on how to bring data science into schools and discussed possibilities of a collaboration that could help both projects to connect teaching and learning in schools to the tertiary sector of teacher education.
Of course, we seized the opportunity to come together for an informal DataSETUP project meeting and enjoyed the location of ICME 🙂

Birk, L. & Frischemeier, D. (2024, July 7-14). Primary school students‘ different lenses on distributions of numerical data in different settings [Conference presentation]. 15th International Congress on Mathematical Education, Sydney, Australia. https://icme15.org