7th Summer Conference of the Working Group PriMaMedien, Saarbrücken, Germany
At the summer conference of the AG PriMaMedien of the German Society for Mathematics Education (https://pri-ma-medien.de) in Saarbrücken, we were able to discuss our ideas with German researchers in math education and basic computer science education. We productively exchanged ideas about a sub-area of data science and what role it should have in pre-service teacher education. We are looking forward to integrating these thoughts into our modules that are currently being created. Special thanks to the organizing team in Saabrücken!
Schwob, S. (2024, June 7-8). Programming with the Calliope mini to foster content- and process-related competences in mathematics classrooms [Conference presentation]. 7th Summer Conference of the Working Group PriMaMedien (digital media in primary school mathematics classrooms), Saarbrücken, Germany. http://pri-ma-medien.de/tagungen