DataSETUP is an Erasmus+ Cooperation partnership project in higher education, funded by the European Union. Partners from five countries (Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Turkey) and six institutions work on Promoting Data Science Education for Teacher Education at the University level (DataSETUP).

Data literate citizens are inevitable for a vibrant democracy. Therefore, the main focus of the DataSETUP project is to promote data science literacy in schools by enhancing the (professional) knowledge of preservice teachers in the field of data science. To achieve this objective, the project aims to draw attention towards the integration of data science into teacher education curricula at the university level from multiple disciplines.
DataSETUP will create a scientific framework for data science in teacher education (WP2). The framework will inform the development of education materials and the creation of teaching modules (WP3). The implementation and evaluation of teaching modules, and subsequent creation of assessment tools, will be framed by a design based research approach (WP5). An online multi-purpose learning platform will support networking activities, facilitate the improvement of modules (WP5), and aid the dissemination of materials (WP6).
“data is the oil of the 21st century”
Malte Spitz
Challenge for teachers – no course materials and only scarcely integrated in their training
Batanero et al., 2011
A competent handling of data enables us to make data-based decisions
Engel, 2017
- ensures civic participation
- increasing relevance of data science
University level pre-service teachers in STEAM-subjects heavily rely on data science competences to be able to teach them in their future classrooms
Henderson & Corry, 2020; Ridgway, 2023
Project Aims
(1) Promotion of data science competences of future teachers in their university education through the development of research-based teaching-learning materials and modules in STEAM-subjects
(2) their implementation in the teacher education programs of the partner universities
Target Group
University level pre-service teachers in STEAM-subjects
Lecturers of university level teaching students
Primary Results

First Steps

Batanero, C., Burrill, G., & Reading, C. (2011). Teaching Statistics in School Mathematics. Challenges for Teaching and Teacher Education: A Joint ICMI/IASE Study. Springer.
Engel, J. (2017). Statistical Literacy for Active Citizenship: A Call for Data Science Education. Statistics Education Research Journal, 16(1), 44-49.
Henderson, J., & Corry, M. (2021). Data literacy training and use for educational professionals. Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning, 14(2), 232-244.
Ridgway, J. (2023). Statistics for empowerment and social engagement: Teaching civic statistics to develop informed citizens. Springer.